The main ethiopian rift is geologically active and susceptible to earthquakes. Federal democratic republic of ethiopia environmental and. These issues generally include air and water pollution, waste management, ecosystem management, maintenance of biodiversity, the management of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species. Of the environmental ecce novum gaudium pdf policy of ethiopia and submit them for approval. The policy and legislative framework of environmental. Evaluation of the environmental policy and impact assessment process in ethiopia article pdf available in impact assessment and project appraisal 281. In spite of these efforts, eia in ethiopia has until now remained weak. Evaluation of the environmental policy and impact assessment. White paper on environmental management policy department of environment affairs and tourism july 1997 foreword when the rio earth summit convened in 1992 the world came of age.
One of the culprits of environmental damage in ethiopia is land fragmentation. Environmental policy of ethiopia, and other government documents and. Ethiopias economy and ecological system are fragile and vulnerable to climate change. Ethiopia environmental and climate change policy brief. This paper examines the actornetworks and key policy spaces associated with the establishment of these discourses, taking natural resource management policies, and institutionalisation of. Jimma university in collaboration with the ethiopia public health training initiative, the carter center, the ethiopia ministry of health, and the ethiopia ministry of education november 2002. The 1999 canadian cabinet directive on the environmental assessment of policy, plan and program proposals enables the canadian government to conduct environmental impact assessment of trade policies taking into consideration public participation. Population, development, and environment in ethiopia. Ers assessing the policy environment for crosssectoral collaboration highlighting the editing pdf files with acrobat professional most.
Federal laws on environmental organs establishment, environmental pollution control, solid waste management, and environmental impact assessment eia as well as effluent emission standards have been issued. Pdf the objective of this article is to provide a birds eye view of the policy and legislative framework of environmental rights in ethiopia. Nepa requires, inter alia, the publication of an environmental impact statement eis describing in detail the environmental impacts likely to emanate from an action wood, 2003. Major challenges in relation to the enforcement of environmental laws include environmental preservation, climate change, high population growth, scientific uncertainties, usage of outdated. Federal democratic republic of ethiopia country environmental. Overview of policy evaluation policy evaluation uses a range of research methods to. Implementation of the population policy of ethiopia. Environmental management of the acrifp will be evaluated based on the existing environmental and social management systems of ethiopia and the safeguard policies of the world bank wb.
The environmental policy of ethiopia 1997 is the overarching policy for the environment and natural resource management in ethiopia. Federal democratic republic of ethiopia environmental impact assessment guideline document iii acronyms. The federal democratic republic of ethiopia industrial parks development corporation updated environmental and social impact assessment for kilinto industrial park march 2017 addis ababa public disclosure authorized. It was developed ternational environmental protection regimes and the basic policies. Government of ethiopias goe environmental policies and legislations. It was based on the policy and strategy findings and recommendations contained in volume ii of the conservation strategy for ethiopia. Population policy with a goal to harmonize the rate of population growth and the capacity of the country for the development and rational utilization of natural. In the wake of 1985 famine, ethiopian government launched an ambitious program of environmental reclamation supported by donors and nongovernment organizations and backed by the.
Smallholder peasant agriculture, in some areas including forestry, is the dominant sector accounting for. Water and the environment in ethiopia mateos mekiso environmental protection agency epa, addis ababa, ethiopia abstract it is generally recognised that fresh water is regarded as one of the most important natural resources for all socioeconomic development and a basic input for environmental management. Through ongoing activities supporting disaster readiness, we are assisting ethiopia improve its capacity to predict and respond to disastersprincipally drought and famine to which parts of the country are prone. Environmental policy, any measure by a government or corporation or other public or private organization regarding the effects of human activities on the environment, particularly those measures that are designed to prevent or reduce harmful effects on ecosystems. The government of the federal democratic republic of ethiopia fdre has established a macro economic policy and strategy framework. Environmental law teaching material tsegai berhane and merhatbeb teklemedhn mekelle university faculty of law, april 2008. Although ethiopia has developed an environmental policy that recognizes the impact of population factors on the environment, like most of our policy documents, this one suffers from lack of implementation, said haile, who noted with frustration that ethiopias government seems to be more interested in developing policies than implementing. The environmental policy of ethiopia 1997 is the overarching editing pdf linux policy for the environment and natural resource management in ethiopia. For environmental health students introduction to ecology worku legesse, b. The environmental policy of ethiopia to address the crosssectoral and sectoral issues that concern the environment and natural send by email pdf version. Sample environmental policy company name is committed to managing environmental impact as an integral part of our operations. Government shall endeavour to ensure that all ethiopians live in a clean and healthy environment.
Pdf overview of environmental impact assessment in ethiopia. In ethiopia, the issue of enforcing environmental laws and policies has created practical challenges beyond the sphere of theoretical discourses. International journal of environmental protection and policy. Sep 05, 2012 this study on environment policy challenges of ethiopia is basically an attempt to give the highlights of ethiopian environmental policy directions and the potential challenges confronting its dialogue. Policy discourses urging environmental rehabilitation, and rapid agricultural intensification for food selfsufficiency are firmly entrenched in ethiopia. D department of education foundation management, ignatius ajuru university of education, port harcourt, rivers state nigeria abstract. Oecd and ethiopias environmental protection authority epa agreed to produce a brief case study of ethiopian progress and prospects principally to showcase ethiopias existing progress in going green, i. It is prepared with a particular focus on safeguard policies triggered by the project i. The environmental policy of ethiopia epe is the policy framework that guides the sustainable development, use and management of the natural resources and the environment.
The ethiopian government promulgated its first ever explicit, comprehensive and multisectoral population policy in 1993. Current status of the environmental impact assessment. Water and the environment in ethiopia mateos mekiso environmental protection agency epa, addis ababa, ethiopia abstract it is generally recognised that fresh water is regarded as one of the most important natural resources for all socioeconomic development and a. The policy aimed at harmonizing population growth rate with that of the economy and the capacity of. Jun 18, 2018 in ethiopia, the issue of enforcing environmental laws and policies has created practical challenges beyond the sphere of theoretical discourses. Abc farms will prevent pollution by striving to minimize waste generation and resource consumption.
Overview of environmental impact assessment in ethiopia. This article analyzes the ethiopian environmental policy and practices since 1991. Though eia has primarily been concerned with predicting what. Informed by these experiences and having recognized future opportunities, ethiopia has accepted with strong government commitments and. Epe environmental policy of ethiopia esa environmental and social auditing esia environmental and social impact assessment.
Ethiopian environmental policy pdf environmental policy. Environmental protection authority in collaboration with the ministry of economic development and cooperation. Ethiopian water sector policy ethiopian legal brief. Though five years have elapsed since the adoption of the eia law in ethiopia, the practice is still in its infantile stage, owing to a. Environmental policy english version abc farms commits to meet all environmental rules and regulations in the swine industry and to strive to protect our environment through sound management practices and decisions. The overall goal of water resources policy is to enhance and promote all national efforts towards the efficient, equitable and optimium utilization of the available water resources of ethiopia for significant socioeconomic development on sustainable basis. Elsewhere, the land is subject to erosion, overgrazing, deforestation, and frequent droughts.
The conservation strategy of ethiopia cse and the environmental policy of ethiopia epe were adopted in 1997. Epe environmental policy of ethiopia, 1997 epo environmental protection organs era ethiopian road authority fdre federal democratic republic of ethiopia fepa federal environmental protection authority gtp growth and transformation plan hpr house of peoples representatives iaps interested and affected persons. Federal democratic republic of ethiopia april 2, 1997. The causes of degradation are primarily the demand for. Ethiopias environmental challenges and the policy and institutional.
Ministry of water, irrigation and electricity mowie, in october 2016. By incorporating environmental issues into its work within ethiopia, we strive to develop initiatives that make improvements in multiple sectors and promote sustainable development. Facility 2004, proposal for project development fund pdfb block. Ethiopia has unveiled its sustainable and integrated development planning documents, the 5year growth and transformation plan and the climate resilient green economy strategy that shaped the content of this report. Environmental policy a basis for epas eia system the first comprehensive statement of environmental policy for the federal democratic republic of ethiopia was approved by the council of ministers in april, 1997. Ethiopias economy is also highly dependent on natural resources. While it is recognized that environmental resources contribute significantly to sustainable economic development, the conceptual framework of ethiopias. This policy, issued in 1997, aims to maintain the health and quality of life of all ethiopians and to promote sustainable. Epe environment policy of ethiopia etb ethiopian birr ewca ethiopian wildlife conservation. Pdf evaluation of the environmental policy and impact. Environmental policy is the commitment of an organization or government to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues. With the exception of climate change, the major environmental issues affecting ethiopia are soil erosion and land degradation, deforestation and forest degradation, water scarcity, biodiversity.
The basic purpose of the environmental and social impact assessment esia study is to identify, predict and analyze the magnitude of environmental and social impacts and. Environmental challenges in ethiopia include climate change, soil degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and. Man cannot naturally be detached from his environment. On this page you can read or download environmental health pdf books in ethiopia in pdf format. Environmental policy for ethiopias sustainable social and. National policy principles and objectives ethiopia. Federal democratic republic of ethiopia country environmental analysis cea ethiopia realizing green transformation. The decision to adopt and promote sustainable development was a defining moment in the history of social progress, peace and development. Waste management threats to human health and hydrological cycles of urban centres in ethiopia account the most insidious environmental problems due to.
In particular, it is our policy to assure the environmental integrity of our processes and facilities at all times. Environmental policy of ethiopia and conservation strategy of ethiopia. The journal publishes original fulllength research papers in all areas related to environmental protection and policy. This problem is often magnified in cities where a dense concentration of people leads to a substantial amount of waste generation zerbock, 2003. Chapter 4 lake water management in three ethiopian rift valley watersheds. If you dont see any interesting for you, use our search form on bottom v. We will do so by adhering to the following principles. Environmental impact assessment guideline document. National report of ethiopia sustainable development. Policy and legal framework for environmental management59 3. The need for environmentalfriendly education policy in nigeria dr. Ethiopia environmental and climate change policy brief sidas. Since 1992 ethiopia has instituted a series of medium to long.
The esmf developed during the projects first phase was updated to reflect the. This, in turn has, helped in gaining replicable development experiences over the last decade and half. Waste management in ethiopia by matthew cheever introduction collecting and managing solid and human waste is an important challenge for countries across the world. Water shortages are common in some areas during the dry season. Adli agricultural development led industry cea cumulative effects assessment cse conservation strategy of ethiopia csir council for scientific and industrial research dwaf department of water affairs and forestry south africa eia environmental impact assessment. According to a local environmentalists recent report there are 9. Environmental challenges in ethiopia include climate change, soil degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and pollution of land, air and water.
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